Return Policy

Hassle-Free Return Policy is devoted to 100% customer satisfaction. If any item you receive has any defect, faulty workmanship, or defect due to shipping, will refund it.

If you need to return any item that meets these conditions, you must notify our Customer Call Center within 7 days of receipt of your order. Please leave a SMS message at our Customer SMS Center at 97835517 . Your inquiry will be promptly returned within 48 hours. We will issue a 100% refund, credited to your next order or purchasing credit card or E-NETS or Cheque.

All items must be returned in their original packaging, with all original accessories. return policy does not cover damage caused after an item has arrived at its destination, including spoilage, melting or other damage. All items must be returned in its original, unopened condition. will refund shipping charges only if the return is a result of our own error.

Customer Call Center: +65-97835517 Or Email at: